Monday, February 23, 2015

B2B Branding: Influence Customers with Brand Messaging that Promotes Trust

Branding Promotes Trust
It Takes Trust to Inspire Action

Inspire Confidence with Trust-based Messaging

In last week’s post I wrote about the value of branding. One key feature of branding was that buyers trust brands that mitigate (personal) risk. 

My post touched on building trust by mitigating risk. The risk I addressed dealt with risk associated with the product or service.

Today, I’ll expand on that. This post examines other ways you can strengthen your brand by building trust focused on your marketing content.   

Trust Builder #1: Develop Your B2B Brand with Social Engagement 

If you’re a frequent reader of my posts, it’s no surprise I favor LinkedIn and Google+. You can add YouTube to the list. These three sites are especially suited for business.

But other social media sites may also work well for your business.

Social engagement means providing useful and entertaining content online for your followers. B2B consumers search the Internet for relevant information. Therefore, your site should be the most authoritative source on your products and services.

Social media also affords customers a direct link to you. Interacting directly on a personal level helps foster trust. This builds long-term engagement. Over time, you’ll build loyalty through responsiveness and transparency, as executives and employees interact with customers online.

Direct social engagement with existing and potential customers builds trust.

Trust Builder #2: Create or Re-create Taglines in Your B2B Branding

According to an Adweek article, the usefulness of taglines is waning. The article falls short in calling for the death of taglines as proclaimed in its attention-grabbing headline, but it suggests taglines’ utility now has a shorter-term impact. Thus, taglines need to be more flexible.

That said, taglines are still important.

Because well-crafted taglines convey the essence of a company or its’ product(s) and service(s).
Namely, first-rate taglines help B2B buyers remember your company, keeping it top of mind. 

Second, taglines help differentiate your brand from your competitors.

Taglines that communicate the core of a business serve as a powerful marketing device that helps build trust and confidence in your B2B brand. 

Trust Builder #3: Focus B2B Branding on What Matters to Your Customers 

According to a Forbes article, most B2B businesses miss the mark in their brand messaging. Businesses look inward focusing on their products and services. They tend to highlight their social responsibility, sustainability and global network. 

There’s certainly room for discussing these topics in your business communications. But not in your brand messaging.

Instead, business should look outward and focus on the B2B buyer.

So what do prospects and customers care about?

According to the article, customers care about, “… honesty, responsibility across the supply chain and level of specialized expertise”.

Don’t talk past your customer. Turn the focus away from your business, and focus directly on what matters to your customers. Fortify trust by publishing marketing content relevant to your buyers. 

Trust Builder #4: Achieve Consistency in B2B Branding with All Marketing Content

Former governor of Rhode Island, Lincoln Chaffee said, “Trust is built with consistency”.  Easily said, but not easily done.

With the growth of platforms to deliver your message, consistency becomes a challenge.

In terms of branding, you should strive to communicate a consistent message. Your messaging must be in harmony.

Your online communications must support your offline messaging. Brand messaging in your blog posts, social media must match messaging in white papers, case studies, and direct mail.

Consistency in messaging helps you stand out from the crowd because over time it makes your brand more easily recognizable. It helps to shorten the B2B buying cycle where long buying cycles are the norm.

Trust Builder #5: Create Connections with Storytelling 

Storytelling helps build a strong emotional connection, which promotes trust. At the Content Marketing Institute annual event, guest keynote speaker, Kevin Spacey said the goal of all content marketing is to connect with your audience.

So, don’t sell… tell stories using social media.  A well-developed social media tactics focused on storytelling will enrich your brand messaging. Telling compelling stories is easier than you might think.

Simon Sinek who has the Number 2 most-watched TEDS video (more than 21 million views) says that to get people to take action you have to start with “Why”.  By that he means you should focus on “why” you do what you do, rather than on “what you do”. Focus the core of your story on the "Why” and you’ll inspire people to take action.

Remember, buyers buy from businesses and people they know, like and trust. By engaging your followers with compelling stories, you’ll encourage trust as your relationship develops. 

Use these five ways to promote trust and confidence with your current and futures customers.  Again, you can build trust in other ways. (My previous post explains how you can use a focus on your products or services to build trust.)

These methods focus on your business communications. You can influence and even inspire customers to take action with clear, consistent and compelling branding.  Online and Off.

If you liked this post, please let me know and feel free to share it. And if you have any questions or would like to know more, just leave a comment.

Have a great week!

Alex Milo
B2B Copywriter and Consultant
“Helping Transportation and Logistics Companies Generate Leads with Compelling Content”
Phone: 256-886-4684

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